Terms & Conditions

This site is operated by BDR “Scuderia Ferrari Club Riga - Latvia”, hereafter referred to as “SFC Riga”, “Club” or “we”, “us”, “our” and similar pronouns.

By using this website, you acknowledge and consent to all Terms & Conditions of the website. These Terms may be changed without prior notice. By continuing to use this website after such changes have become effective, you agree to the changes and recognize them as binding.

We kindly request that you read this information carefully before using the website. These Terms & Conditions have last been updated on the date indicated at the bottom of this page, under “Last Updated”.

Limitations of use

Website visitors must be at least 13 years of age to use this website. If you are less than 13 years of age, you are not permitted to browse the contents of this website and must leave it immediately.

You may use this website for the purposes approved by the owners of this website only. You may not use the information on this website in ways that are not provided for in these Terms, e.g., publish or permit a third party to publish the text, logotypes, graphics, photos or any other information included in this website for commercial purposes without the Club’s written permission.

You agree to cooperate with us in the prevention of suspicious or malicious actions related to the corruption or dissemination of the information on this website.

Property rights

The content of this website is the property of BDR “Scuderia Ferrari Club Riga - Latvia”. This content or content of any other origin on other internet sites owned by us may not be copied, republished, uploaded, disseminated, sent or forwarded without the prior written permission of a person authorized by us.

Any information published on this website is intended to serve only the personal needs of each website visitor. Any actions related to changing the information found on the website are in violation of our intellectual property rights and may be classified as a copyright violation. In such cases, we reserve the right to act according to the laws of the Republic of Latvia.

The Club’s website may be included in links that are found on other internet sites unrelated to us. The Club may not be aware of such websites and thus takes no responsibility for the information published there. By following these links, every user takes an individual risk.

Processing of personal data

The client consents to personal data processing carried out by Scuderia Ferrari Club Riga - Latvia – in compliance with the requirements set out in law. The aims of data processing are client record-keeping and service provision.

Data protection

Scuderia Ferrari Club Riga - Latvia protects client data with state-of-the-art technology including data encryption during Transaction (SSL encryption).


The content of this website may not always be complete and up-to-date. The information included in this website is not exhaustive and does not cover all questions, facts or topics that may be related to your aims. We do not guarantee that the information found on this website is free of errors, or that any errors will be corrected.

Using this website is your personal choice and you are responsible for any risks related to the results shown on this website. We provide no guarantees of any results achieved by visitors of this website.

The Club takes no responsibility for possible viruses or any other adverse components of the online environment that may end up on the servers supporting the operation of this website. The user of the website is responsible for any potential damages they may incur as a result of using this website.

Limitation of liability

BDR Scuderia Ferrari Club Riga - Latvia and its partners, service providers, licensors, employees, content providers, agents or other company employees take no responsibility for direct, inadvertent, permanent, special or any other negative effects, including remuneration or loss of profits, emotional stress or pain even in the event that we have received prior warning about the possibility of such negative effects.

Trademarks, copyrights

The brands, trademarks, service marks and logotypes published on this website are the property of Scuderia Ferrari Club Riga or the relevant person/organization/company that has submitted this data. SFC Riga and any other involved party that has submitted trademarks, brands, logotypes or service marks reserves all rights to the use of such information.

The Scuderia Ferrari Club Riga has used and uses texts, photographs and videos found on the Internet. When it is possible to find the sources, they are cited, otherwise the contents are published anyway, as it is not possible to carry out research on or to make contacts to obtain the discharge of responsibility from the various authors, given the large amount of material used. The club does not use the material published on its site for profit and kindly requests anyone who feels infringed on their copyright to contact us promptly so that we can insert the sources or remove any material that may be unduly published. Our goal is to provide simple information, without infringing the rights of anyone by claiming rights that are not ours. We apologize to anyone who may be damaged and remain available at any time to remove the content of authors who may request it. Our idea of the internet is that of a tool for everyone. We are the first to make our content available without restrictions, as long as it is used legally and without damaging us. In this way we believe we can achieve the common goal of greater visibility on the network and the best possible service for users. Anyone who is in possession of material of interest to our project and wants to publish it on our site can contact us and we will be happy to examine it.


The users of this website may not use any type of programs or online tools that may jeopardise the operation of this website and the security of the data found therein. If you have violated the above-mentioned terms in any way, we reserve the right to notify system administrators of other websites of you and your actions and to transfer your data to them in order to help them solve security-related incidents. We reserve the right to investigate all website security-related incidents and to transfer information about suspected persons to the responsible authorities.

Using the Blog

Blog articles are published by persons authorized by Scuderia Ferrari Club Riga. The blog may be commented on by any person who has reached the age of majority. The accuracy or truthfulness of the information provided in the blog and in the comments, as well as any consequences that may be caused by the publishing of inaccurate or untrue information or any violations of these Terms, are the sole responsibility of the respective authors.

The Club takes no responsibility for potential unacceptable comments, mental damages (intentional abuse, profanity, etc.) or material damages related to the material created by authors. Nonetheless, the Club reserves the right to carry out the actions set out in law as needed in order to hold publishers of such comments liable. According to law of the Republic of Latvia, the same right is granted to the author.

Refunds policy

A refund application must be submitted to the administration of BDR “Scuderia Ferrari Club Riga - Latvia” no later than 45 days (inclusive) after the transaction. The application must be addressed to BDR “Scuderia Ferrari Club Riga - Latvia”, registration N. 40008213823; address: Ernesta Birznieka-Upīša street n. 27 – apartment n. 11, Rīga, LV-1011, Latvia.

BDR “Scuderia Ferrari Club Riga - Latvia” reviews applications and complaints within 5 working days following receipt. After receiving a substantiated complaint, the Club will issue a refund. The refundable amount will be received in full no later than 14 days following the review of the application. The refund will be issued via the method of payment used for the initial transaction, unless consented explicitly otherwise.

Delivery policy

At the moment, we do not deliver membership goods. Please contact us for more information.

Additional information

These Terms & Conditions will be managed and interpreted according to the laws of the Republic of Latvia, without consideration of the potential mutual conflicts between laws. You give your consent to personal jurisdiction within the territory of Latvia in the event of any disagreements or disputes between you and us that may arise in relation to these Terms & Conditions.

All potentially involved parties consent that disagreements and disputes will be settled by courts in the territory of the Republic of Latvia. If any part of these Terms & Conditions is found to be unlawful, invalidated or impracticable, this specific part of these Terms & Conditions will be removed from the overall context.

These Terms & Conditions serve as a distance Agreement between merchant and the Customer and stipulate that full agreement has been achieved between all parties that are in any way related to the implementation of these Terms. Use of the website implies full and unconditional agreement to these Terms.

Last updated: October 15, 2019 Copyright © 2016-2019 BDR “Scuderia Ferrari Club Riga - Latvia”